Global Warming is consider a destroyer problem and it will destroy the world if the people didn’t do something about it. That why I am writing about Global Warming so that people can know about it and do what is necessary to prevent it and stop it. In the meantime, Global Warming is not too obvious and its effect on the world is not too strong, but after couple of years its effect on the earth will be strong and people will say we wish that we saw Abdulla blog about the Global Warming and listen to his advice. And than I will say “too late, we should have done something about it before and wishing won’t save us now”.
We must start to stop Globe warming from happening now because later we can’t do anything about it. We may now live our whole life without any holdback from Globe Warming, but our children will be the victims of our careless about Globe Warming. In this blog I am sending a message to all people to join there hand together and work as a one hand to stop and do what is necessary to prevent Globe Warming. In this blog I will define Global Warming, show some evidence, write the main causes for it and I will write how it effect the world now and later.
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