Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Who am I ?

My name is Abdulla Zayed, I was born in Jan 1989 in Abu Dhabi and I lived all my life in Abu Dhabi. I am a student in the Higher College of Technology in Abu Dhabi, I am studying engineering common year and in the next year I am thinking of becoming Electric Engineer. This is my first year in college and it supposes to be my second years but because I pass the Challenge exams, I skip the foundation year.

I am interested in learning new thing that I don’t know about and I don’t have a specific thing. For example Globe Warming, I heard about this topic and than I become curios about it and what dose it mean. Also in my free time I like playing football and all kinds of sports but I don’t like watching football in T.V I think it’s a waste of time. I like to be a part in a game and I don’t like watching a game and can’t do a thing about it. I also like to go to desert trips.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Why blog on Global Warming

Global Warming is consider a destroyer problem and it will destroy the world if the people didn’t do something about it. That why I am writing about Global Warming so that people can know about it and do what is necessary to prevent it and stop it. In the meantime, Global Warming is not too obvious and its effect on the world is not too strong, but after couple of years its effect on the earth will be strong and people will say we wish that we saw Abdulla blog about the Global Warming and listen to his advice. And than I will say “too late, we should have done something about it before and wishing won’t save us now”.

We must start to stop Globe warming from happening now because later we can’t do anything about it. We may now live our whole life without any holdback from Globe Warming, but our children will be the victims of our careless about Globe Warming. In this blog I am sending a message to all people to join there hand together and work as a one hand to stop and do what is necessary to prevent Globe Warming. In this blog I will define Global Warming, show some evidence, write the main causes for it and I will write how it effect the world now and later.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

What is Global Warming

Globe Warming in brief is The increase in the average temperature of the earth near surface air and ocean”. I will explain how the increase in the average temperature happens.

Sun radiation that comes from the sun in the form of light waves passes through the atmosphere. Than the earth absorb the radiation and warms the earth. After that, some of the radiation is radiated back into the space by the earth in the form of infrared waves. Some of the infrared radiation can’t pass the atmosphere, trapped by it, and warms the earth, which keeps the temperature balance in the earth. But the thickness of the atmosphere are becoming bigger and bigger every year because of the greenhouse gases which act as a thickening blanket. In normal situations, the earth reflects 30% of the sun radiation and only 70% is absorbed by the earth to warm the land and the ocean.

In the causes of the increased greenhouses in the atmosphere the 30% reflected sun rays will be trapped in the atmosphere that lead to the increase of heat on the planet. As the earth warms from the greenhouse effect the water in the oceans vaporize and the vapor accumulates in the atmosphere and increases the amount of the sun rays that are trapped in the atmosphere which makes the problem worse. Global warming has many causes and effects and I will explain more about them in my blog.

This picture shows what I was explaining.

"An Inconvenient Truth" Review

An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film that
got an Academy Award-winning.It talks about Global Warming presented by Al Gore an environmentalist. In the movie Al Gore brings facts to the eyes of the public about Global Warming and explain to them the danger of Global Warming and the situation of the earth in the past ,present and future. Al Gore also talks about some of his professors and what they did about Global Warming. He also talks about his life and about his goal, which is to save the world from Global Warming. In the end of the movie they give us some advice to stop Global Warming like buying a hybrid car and other advices which I found important to the people so that every one can help to stop Global Warming. An Inconvenient Truth is an interesting movie and I advice the people to watch it so that they will know the danger that we are in. Its also tell us a lot about Global Warming.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Causes of global warming

The cause of global warming is the increase in the greenhouse gases on the planet. These gases include: -

  1. Carbon dioxide: - emitted from burning fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal.
  2. Methane: - emitted during the production and transport of coal and natural gas. It is also emitted from the decomposition of organic waste in municipal soil waste.
  3. Nitrous oxide: - emitted during agriculture and industrial activities.
  4. Others such as HFC, PFC and SF5 that are produced by industrial processes are powerful greenhouse gases that can affect the atmosphere.

(press on the picture to see it bigger)

All of these greenhouse gases are man made although some are produced by nature from volcanic emissions.

As the population on earth increases there is a demand for more energy that is produced by power plants that burn fossils fuels that causes an increase in the CO2 and greenhouse gases in the air. The power plants used for generating electricity are the number one cause of greenhouse gas emittions. The second cause is the increase in the number of cars on the roads. This is due to the increase in the population and the increase demand on cars all around the world.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Airplanes and Global Warming

Airline flights worldwide is increasing every year, thats mean more pollutions from airplanes, 10% of the green house gas emissions come from airplanes. By 2050 airplanes emissions will become one of the main causes of Global Warming. Jet engines emit many pollutant gases like carbon dioxide(CO2), nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, soot and water vapor. Carbon dioxide and water vapor traps the heat (greenhouse gases) which will make the Global Warmer!!, the more flights there are the more carbon dioxide and water vapor will be released in the air.

studies show that the greenhouse gases have greater warming effect when they are released in the air compare with the same amount on the ground. On a New York-to-Denver flight the jet emissions for one passenger is 840 to 1,660 carbon dioxide and that is about what a SUV released carbon dioxide in a month!!.

Will, I guess Al Gore is consider a cause for Global Warming!. He travel all the world to send a message to the people about the danger of Global Warming and at the same time he contributors in Global Warming because of the airplanes pollution!.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The effects of Global warming

As we can see that the main cause of global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and results in the increase of trapped sun rays.

The first effect of global warming is that it causes the ice to melt. The ice caps in the Antarctica are starting to crack and melt which causes an increase in sea level. As the sea level increase it is estimated that large cities such as Manhattan and cities in India will be underwater in approximately 40 years if the crisis isn’t control. It also increases floods the problem doesn’t stop there, because ice reflects the sun rays when it melts the sea water will absorb the rays and heat up. When it heats up it increases the vapor produced in the air and affects the sea life.

As the vapor in the air increases it increases wind viscosity that results in stronger hurricanes. One example is Hurricane Katrina which hit the US costal in 2005.It was considered one of the most disastrous Hurricanes that hit the US leaving thousands of deaths and thousands of houses broken down.

As the heat increases it affects the land by sucking all the moist from it. This causes the land to be dry and affects agriculture in which all the mineral required for tree will be lost. Not only that , it will also kill trees that have been grown for thousand of years where the land they take their nutrients from will be dry.

Finally, the heat increased the spread of infectious diseases such as malaria and bubonic plague. Insects such as mice, flies and mosquitoes increase when the heat increases because they perform warm places.