Airline flights worldwide is increasing every year, thats mean more pollutions from airplanes, 10% of the green house gas emissions come from airplanes. By 2050 airplanes emissions
will become one of the main causes of Global Warming. Jet engines emit many pollutant gases like
carbon dioxide(CO2), nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, soot and water vapor. Carbon dioxide and water vapor traps the heat (greenhouse gases) which will make the Global Warmer!!, the more flights there are the more carbon dioxide and water vapor will be released in the air.
studies show that the greenhouse gases have greater warming effect when they are
released in the air compare with the same amount on the ground. On a New York-to-Denver flight the jet emissions for one passenger is 840 to 1,660 carbon dioxide and that is about what a SUV released carbon dioxide in a month!!.
Will, I guess Al Gore is consider a cause for Global Warming!. He travel all the world to send a message to the people about the danger of Global Warming and at the same time he contributors in Global Warming because of the airplanes pollution!.