Sunday, April 22, 2007

"An Inconvenient Truth" Review

An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film that
got an Academy Award-winning.It talks about Global Warming presented by Al Gore an environmentalist. In the movie Al Gore brings facts to the eyes of the public about Global Warming and explain to them the danger of Global Warming and the situation of the earth in the past ,present and future. Al Gore also talks about some of his professors and what they did about Global Warming. He also talks about his life and about his goal, which is to save the world from Global Warming. In the end of the movie they give us some advice to stop Global Warming like buying a hybrid car and other advices which I found important to the people so that every one can help to stop Global Warming. An Inconvenient Truth is an interesting movie and I advice the people to watch it so that they will know the danger that we are in. Its also tell us a lot about Global Warming.


Rayyan A. S. Al kaff said...

I think this film gaved us a clear idea a bout Globel Warming as abdulla said and its intresting to konw that someone is saying that the world will burn soon .

Abdulla Zayed said...

Rayyan A. S. Al kaff

Thank for passing by.